NYIP Student Advisor Selected by Smithsonian Journeys as Extraordinary Speaker

on Sunday, 13 January 2013.

Chris Corradino, professional photographer and student advisor at the New York Institute of Photography, has been selected by Smithsonian Journeys as an extraordinary speaker to lead a 2013 Mediterranean Cruise.

According to Smithsonian Journeys, "What makes Smithsonian Journeys truly unique is our world-class expert Study Leaders. Chosen for their charisma, expertise and affability, these men and women are the secret ingredient that turns a fine tour into an unforgettable experience. Anyone can take you to the most splendid sites, but in the hands of our experts, your journey will take on new meaning. Our Study Leaders have dedicated entire careers to pursuing personal and professional passions. Their enthusiasm is contagious; their expert guidance consistently brings depth, excitement and substance to the travelers who join them on our tours — and that is the signature of Smithsonian Journeys. We're proud to introduce you to our stars."

A graduate of the school himself, Chris works as a student advisor at NYIP helping to provide crucial support and advice to students in the photography course. His professional experience and skill as a photography teacher makes him a vital part of many students' success.

"I'm honored to be named an Extraordinary Speaker and join a community of successful, creative, and passionate professionals who lead expeditions with Smithsonian Journeys" said Corradino. "I'm grateful for this unique opportunity, both personally and professionally, to help photographers of all levels fulfill their creative vision and capture stunning images in spectacular locations."

For details on the Mediterranean Cruise and information on the other experts who will be joining Chris, you can visit the Smithsonian Journeys website.