The New York Institute of Photography is one of the world’s largest photography schools and because we are, we often publish fun and useful photography tips on our photography blog. Please enjoy!

If you’re planning to head outside this winter to create some seasonal compositions, here are some things to consider before you venture outdoors:
- Your camera’s batteries are going to die much faster in cold weather. If you can, try keeping a spare in your camera bag or pocket. Also, try not to pull out your camera until you’re actually about to use it. For example, if you’re going to hike for a bit until you find the scene you want to shoot, keep the camera packed away until you get there.
- Similarly, be careful with your camera once you get back indoors. The device just got much colder while you were working outside and immediately pulling it out inside a warm room isn’t great for it, and will create condensation. Once indoors, leave it in its bag for about thirty minutes so it can adjust to the temperature change a little more gradually.
- When it comes to your own gear, try not to wear super bulky gloves that can interfere with your operations. Try on different pairs at home and see which ones give you the most comfort while navigating your device.
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