The New York Institute of Photography is one of the world’s largest photography schools and because we are, we often publish fun and useful photography tips on our photography blog. Please enjoy!

Many of the photographers I work with capture remarkable images that are certainly worthy of the "professional quality" label. Some of these students have considered changing careers to follow their passion, but are missing one key ingredient to do so. This important element is something you won't read about in a photography magazine, or see on a forum. It's not a fast lens, or a clever camera strap. No, these are all superficial elements that anyone with a credit card can buy. The secret for a successful photography career all boils down to one thing, confidence. If there is a technique that scares you, now is the time to learn it. With the roadblock pushed aside, you can see your goals more clearly and continue the path ahead.
The grandest adventures begin with a simple desire to see something new. Maybe it's an old forgotten Lighthouse, a new part of the city, or a rustic barn on the other side of town. Allow your passion to take you places outside of your comfort zone. For inspiration, check the local library for travel guides on your own state. Cross reference this research with online photo galleries and published reviews. You'll quickly get a feel for what the area holds and a vision of how you'd like to capture it.
Want to learn more? NYIP offers accredited photography courses online that can help you improve your hobby or start a new career. Request your free course catalog today!