The New York Institute of Photography is one of the world’s largest photography schools and because we are, we often publish fun and useful photography tips on our photography blog. Please enjoy!

Is there a photographer whose work is instantly recognizable to you? This is what’s known as a visual signature. To create your own style, you must challenge yourself creatively. Rather than trying to recreate what’s already been done, find your own twist on it. This may not always be in line with current trends, but who’s to say you’re attempts won’t cause their own stir.
Camera manufacturers are constantly working to enhance existing features while also adding new options. At first glance, these may appear to be nothing but marketing hype. The truth is, there have been significant strides made in camera technology recently. Perhaps there are tools that can be useful to your own style of shooting. For example, the double exposure mode can be used to layer two images into a single frame. This is all done in-camera rather than the digital darkroom.
Want to learn more? The NYIP school of photography offers accredited photography courses online that can help you become a photographer or start a new career. Request your free course catalog today!