It’s Photo Fact Friday at NYIP! Every Friday afternoon, tune in right here on our photography blog for a new piece of advice from NYIP’s photography mentors, a team of successful photographers that works with our students to help them grow.

Here is today’s tip:
If you’re struggling to capture a portrait for a self-conscious client who hates how they look in most pictures, here are 3 simple ways you can pose them more flatteringly.
1. Photograph the left side of their face.
New research suggests that the left side of the human face is usually more attractive to others than the right side. The adjustment is simple enough and worth trying with picky clients.
2. Use logical perspective.
If there are substantial props in your composition (a tree, a piece of furniture, other people), don’t position your self-conscious client closest to the lens. Posing them in front of other items will give the viewer a skewed perspective in which that closest subject looks the largest- something an insecure client will likely be unhappy with.
3. Get a little higher.
If you’re taking a seated portrait of your client, shoot from slightly higher up and ask them to tilt their head up a little- it’ll elongate their facial structure, which most people typically consider a more flattering look.
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