Tools of a Photographer – Weekly Photo Critique
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Tools of a Photographer – Weekly Photo Critique

By Chris Corradino on May 27, 2014


Anyone with a camera can find themselves in the right place at the right time and capture a newsworthy photograph. Yet, the true mark of a professional is the ability to consistently create successful images. Rather than shooting yet another file photo of Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, photographer Chris Jackson has done something unique. Through his lens we watch as a new image is born on an iPhone. In seconds it will be shared with the world through various social networks.

The tools a photographer uses may be evolving, but creativity can’t be downloaded in an app. In order to stay relevant, a true artist must develop a visual signature. It’s their eye that ultimately sets their work apart, not the equipment. This image goes well beyond the obvious and seems to provide a social commentary. The black and white toning also appears deliberate, perhaps as an ode to the past while looking at the future Queen of England.

As for the technical choices, notice the extremely shallow depth of field likely created at f2.8. This is quite effective in only emphasizing the hands and the device in the frame. To further eliminate any potential distractions, the scene is tightly framed to prevent the surrounding environment from swaying our attention. These choices were made intentionally to best communicate the photographer’s vision. The most complex ideas are often best expressed through simplicity.

Want more? Learn photography with the New York Institute of Photography, the largest and longest running photography school in the world. Get started today.

About the Author

Chris Corradino is the head of the photography mentor program at NYIP. Just like all of our mentors, he is also a professional photographer.