“The single most important component of a camera is the 12 inches behind it.”
– Ansel Adams
Most of us think of Ansel Adams primarily as a world-renowned landscape photographer and environmentalist. Yet, Adams was also quite an accomplished musician. As a classically trained pianist, he believed the discipline required to be a musician was essential to his success in photography.
Learning photography is not so different from learning to play a musical instrument. Only with endless practice and unwavering dedication can one consistently create masterpieces. There are no shortcuts, even for the greatest photographers of all time.
Ansel Adams knew that it wasn't the quality of the tool that created beautiful art, but the mind controlling it. This part of your brain can only be strengthened with daily exercise. Contrary to popular belief, there is enough time in the day. How we choose to spend it, however, is ultimately the deciding factor in how effective we are.
NYIP offers Online Photography Classes for photographers of every level. Whether you're a self-taught professional photographer or don't know the difference between aperture and ISO, we can help you become a better photographer! Get started today.