![NYIP Newsletter](/images/cms/photo-articles/newsletter.jpg)
We learned a lesson at NYIP recently, and we want to share it with you. Here's what happened:
Every time we put up a new edition of our online magazine, NYIP PhotoWorld, we send out an e-mail newsletter summarizing its content to the thousands of people who have signed up to get our free newsletter. Last month, we noticed that our newsletter list wasn't growing the way it normally does. It took us a few days to study this mystery and find out why: the sign-up program had never been loaded into our core IT functions. Rather, it had been sitting on the hard drive of the computer of the fellow who wrote the code. A few months ago, that computer was replaced, and no one realized the consequence that people who signed up for the newsletter since then weren't getting added to the list.
We found the pool of names and got them processed and added to the newsletter, but we realized that in today's computer-dependent world, it's easy to lose track of how all the systems we use fit together, and all too easy to overlook the consolidation, backing up, and system mapping that should be performed on a regular basis. We urge each of you, to take a few moments and review your own setup, whether you're just storing your own photographs, or possibly keeping track of a growing photography business. Are things backed up? Is there a back up off site? Are all the various functions tied together in a fool proof way? Is there any maintenance you've been putting off?
If you're on NYIP's newsletter list, you should have received an e-mail newsletter in the latter part of June. If you didn't, or if you've never signed up for our newsletter, click here to sign up. As an added bonus, when you sign up, you can download our free colorful booklet: Three Guidelines and Six Tips for Great Photographs. It's filled with exciting photos by NYIP students and graduates and we promise it will give you ideas to apply to your own photography.