New York Institute of Photography Celebrates 4th of July with Fireworks Photo Tips

on Wednesday, 29 June 2011.

July 4th is one of the most important dates in our nation’s history. For many, this holiday is celebrated with barbeques, picnics, parties, and fireworks. To help celebrate, the New York Institute of Photography has once again released some expert tips for capturing those amazing photo opportunities that fireworks present. Below is an excerpt from NYIP’s recent article:

"A skyrocket takes time from the moment it's launched until the last burst of its color fades. As the rocket sails skyward, the crowd has time to exclaim ‘Ooh!’ Then as it explodes in a burst of trails of color, the crowd has time to exclaim, ‘Ahh!’ From launch to fadeout takes a few seconds perhaps ending with a stirring "bang." Your exposure, therefore, should be long enough to capture part, or all, of this time-consuming progression."

You can click here to read the complete guide to photographing fireworks.

In addition, NYIP reached out to photographers all over the world via Facebook asking them where they plan to watch the fireworks this weekend. Their responses have been recorded on a map that allows viewers to find out where there are fireworks celebrations near them. Click the link to view the official NYIP Fireworks Map.