The New York Institute of Photography is the world’s largest online photography school, and because we are, we often publish fun and useful photography tips on our photography blog. Please enjoy!

When traveling and moving from place to place quickly, it's tempting to get the shot and move on to see the next thing. This pace can make it difficult to be creative however, and try new things. A better approach involves slowing down and spending more time to really observe and connect with the subject.
Photography, it seems, can lead to more than just a set of photos, but also life experiences and knowledge. That’s one of the underestimated parts of being a photographer, and something that’s too easy to lose sight of. By studying subjects through the lens, it leads to a deeper understanding of the world around you. No subject is insignificant as we’re all connected no matter how many miles apart.
Want to learn more? NYIP offers accredited photography classes that can help you improve your hobby or start a new career. Request your free course catalog today!