The New York Institute of Photography is one of the world’s largest photography schools and because we are, we often publish fun and useful photography tips on our photography blog. Please enjoy!

There are many occasions when it’s impossible to get close to your subject. If you were to use a wide angle or normal lens, the subject would appear too far away. A better option is a medium telephoto lens in the 70-200mm range. This is an exciting addition for photographers who wish to increase their photographic opportunity. With its outstanding magnification, even subjects that are several blocks away will appear large in the frame. This is ideal for sports and other events such as parades and concerts. For even more versatility, an extender can be added to increase the focal range.
If you are passionate about nature and plan to study birds and other animals in the wild, a super telephoto is the way to go. At 400mm and greater you can work from a safe distance and still fill the frame with your subject. This is important not only for your safety, but also for your success ratio. By keeping your distance, the animals won’t flee, and you can capture their natural behavior. While these super telephoto lenses come with a hefty price tag, they open up a world of possibility. Since they are somewhat heavy, a monopod or tripod is helpful for the sharpest results.
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