The New York Institute of Photography is the world’s largest online photography school, and because we are, we often publish fun and useful photography tips. Please enjoy!

A butterfly may not beat its wings as rapidly as a hummingbird, but a fast shutter speed is still necessary to freeze their wing motion. My recommended starting point is no slower than 1/250th of a second. Any slower and the image suffers from blur. You can also use a non-technical trick and wait for a lull in the action before shooting. A butterfly will often dance about the flowers before settling on a spot for several seconds. Resting with its wings open, you'll have a perfect opportunity to capture its full beauty.
Great butterfly photos often have a similar characteristic of clean, uncluttered backgrounds. Knowing this, you can angle yourself accordingly. This definitely adds a new wrinkle to the challenge, but remember, a busy background distracts from the main subject. If you find a particularly great spot with butterflies nearby, you can even wait for one to come to you. Remain patient and it just may happen.
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