Hello! I’m Jacob, and I’m your School Director. I’ve worked at NYIP for 10 years. I was taking a photography class from former NYIP Director Chuck DeLaney, when during a conversation after class I learned that NYIP was searching for a new Director of Operations. I had just finished Grad School so I handed Chuck my resume and the rest, as they say, is history.
I first fell in love with photography taking wildlife photos with my Grandfather. I still use his Olympus 35mm camera from time to time. There something about working with an all manual camera that I find very rewarding. The manual exposure settings, the manual focus, waiting to see if it all worked, is a ritual that I truly enjoy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not giving up my DSLR & MacBook any time soon, but I’ll always enjoy the process of taking my time to get that one frame of film absolutely perfect.
I know all this talk of film photography makes me sound, at least a little, stuck in the past. Trust me, that is not the case. I love technology, in fact technology enhancements have been one of the most exciting aspects of NYIP over the last few years. All of NYIP’s courses are now available online. Students access their course through NYIP’s custom-built Online Learning Center where ease of access and attention to design are driving principles. Our team continues to work hard to assure that no matter which device you chose to study, your course looks good and functions well.
All of this is not to say that we’re not focused on the actual course material. The quality of education provided is still first and foremost in our minds. Over the last year we’ve introduced four new courses and have more planned for the future. We keep a close watch on our existing courses to be sure that they are up-to-date. This is another benefit of technology. The Online Learning Center allows updates to be made as fast as the camera technology develops.
I’d like to close this letter with a sincere Thank You to all the students who’ve taken the time to tell us about their experiences with the school. This is the most rewarding job that I’ve ever had, and that is true because of the success stories that our students share. If you have any stories to share, questions or comments please be in contact with us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Want to learn more? NYIP offers accredited online photography courses that can help you improve your hobby or start a new career. Request your free course catalog today!