The New York Institute of Photography is the world’s largest online photography school, and because we are, we often publish fun and useful photography tips on our photography blog. Please enjoy!

In preparation for winter weather, here’s a simple guide you can reference next time you want to photograph snowfall in your area.
1. Adjust your Shutter Speed- This depends on the look you’re trying to achieve, which will differ depending on your personal taste. Long exposures will capture the snow in longer, falling streaks. Quicker shutter speeds will depict individual flakes.
2. Increase your ISO- Will it add more noise to the shot? Maybe- but it can help lighten things up if you’re working under a dark, cloudy sky. Experiment until you find a balance you’re happy with.
3. Flash- Again, the decision to use flash will depend on your personal vision. If you’re trying to capture a shot of individual snowflakes however, flash might be the way to go.
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