The New York Institute of Photography is one of the world’s largest photography schools and because we are, we often publish fun and useful travel photography tips on our photography blog. Please enjoy!

- Uniqueness- One of the most obvious reasons why some photographers grow a big following and others don’t is that those more famous photographers are able to tell a unique story that can’t be found anywhere else. When you take shots at around the same skill level, of generally the same things and in generally the same style as millions of other people, you’re inherently pinning yourself up against greater competition and giving potential followers and fans less of a reason to check out your work specifically. By educating yourself, finding a compositional niche and developing a portfolio of professional-grade work that stands out, you will greatly increase your odds of drumming up some interest in your work.
- Patience- Another one of the leading elements setting apart pros from amateurs is the amount of time spent capturing a flawless image. Whether it be waiting for the perfect natural light in the park, the perfect candid snap in the subway or the perfect smile from a baby during a portraiture shoot, professionals understand that great photography takes time and that most remarkable photos don’t just fall into your lap.
- Research- If you are traveling to a specific location to capture a certain landscape or landmark shot you have in mind, it’s important to do a little research before you head out. From weather forecasts to traffic (that could affect you missing out on a certain lighting time frame), you need to have a substantial idea of how your day will play out before you get started. For example, if you’re looking to capture a shot of the Brooklyn Bridge at sunset, you’ll need to check NYC local forecasts to find out what time you should arrive.
Want to learn more? NYIP offers an online photography course that can help you improve your hobby or start a new career. Request your free course catalog today!