It’s Photo Fact Friday at NYIP! Every Friday afternoon, tune in right here on our photography blog for a new piece of advice from NYIP’s photography mentors, a team of successful photographers that works with our students to help them grow.

Here is today’s tip:
When it comes to pet photography, the unpredictability of the subject is what makes the shoot both challenging and rewarding. Capturing a vibrant, sharp shot of an animal in action makes for an extremely compelling composition- but it can be very difficult to achieve.
If your camera offers a burst mode feature, breaking it out during pet playtime might be a logical move. Many times, photographers find themselves interfering with natural behavior in an attempt to capture the perfect shot of a pet. But if your kitten is playing with a strand of yarn and you frantically start goading it to stay still or continue with the picturesque behavior, the opposite is likely to occur instead- it’ll become confused by your pleading and stop.
Instead, bring out some cat toys, let kitty play unhindered, and simply capture the behavior in large bursts. You’ll then have to sort out the boring blurry shots from the sharp, effective ones- but at least the moment won’t be missed.
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