Student Success: Student Profile Paul Weed

By Sarah Van Arsdale on May 1 2009

Student Success : Paul Weed

1. Why Photography?

Even as a child with a small camera, I loved taking pictures of places and people. As an adult I got started because of our grandson's football games. Parents of other kids asked if I would videotape using their videocameras, because I did it once and it came out better for them. After a year, I went to photography rather than video and loved it!!! Action sports for kids is my absolute favorite thing!

2. Why NYIP?

My wife Kathy had done photography before we met. When I showed her the NYI Web site she said that the material alone was worth the money, and the practical application would be worth even more.

3. How Was your NYIP Course?

I loved the NYIP's Complete Course in Professional Photography! Learning from the lessons, using the lessons in practical application and getting feedback on how to improve all these were what I needed. I use what I learned all the time and still go back to re-read the material.

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4. What was your first photography job?

The first time I was paid for my photos was from our grandson's football team. I have since done weddings, senior photos, family photos and nature. I am the photographer for a wedding chapel, The Candlelight Room in Glendale, Arizona.

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5. What's your favorite photo?

My favorite photo is "Breaking the Plane." In this football photo, two blockers ran out of people to block and could only stand by as the ball carrier stretched out while dragging another boy from the opposite team. The carrier saw this on my Web site and posted a comment: "That's me!!!" He saw it and loved it!

6. What's Next?

I had to quit driving a city bus due to a back injury, and then was hired by Duke Photography in Phoenix. I work in the lab, as well as shooting sports photography for high school teams. I also get to shoot at high school dances. I still do work on the side for my Web site whenever things come up. I will be starting working on a photography book this year. My dream is to do action sports for kids shooting, printing and selling onsite.

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7. What do you like best about working in photography?

What I like best are the responses from kids when they've done something great in sports and I have taken their photo. I remember that feeling as a kid. I love being able to freeze that moment for them to remember, to show others, to put a smile on their faces. Any photo that does that for someone, when it is my work in any capacity, is what I live for. Touching lives will always be amazing to me.
