Professional Photography Course
Unit 2: How to Take a Photograph & Edit Like a Professional Photographer
In Unit 2 you will master the picture-taking process. Throughout this unit you will learn to make compositional decisions, then adjust your technique accordingly. You will learn to vary your exposure based on certain subjects and lighting scenarios. You’ll discover the histogram and learn how it can be used to improve your photos.
You will make decisions based on practice scenarios such as selecting the best exposure when half your subject’s face is in the sunlight and the other half is hidden by shade. Towards the end of the lesson, you will hear insight on what separates amateurs from professionals in the photography industry, and you will learn what it takes to go pro yourself.
Unit 2 Objectives
In Unit 2, we will focus on Capturing the Image, including:- How should you vary your exposure based on your subject and lighting?
- How do you use the histogram in your digital camera?
- How should you set your exposure if half your subject is in bright sunlight and the other half is in dark shade?
- How does a photographer become a professional, and what does it take to be a great photographer?
- How do professionals create visually interesting compositions?
In the first Learning Sequence in this Unit, 2.1 Developing Your Eye, you'll learn how to use different emphasis techniques to fulfill NYIP's Guideline 2. Sometimes a subject is so dominant, it doesn't need the photographer's help, but most of the time you can give a lot more strength to your subject using the emphasis techniques we'll be showing you.
Unit 2 Outline
Lesson 2.1 Developing Your Eye
Lesson 2.1 is all about how to compose a photo. Start identifying opportunities for powerful snapshots in the world around you …
Lesson 2.2 Camera Image Capture
Lesson 2.2 focuses on how an image is recordeda camera records an image digitally. Start by exploring some background information …
Lesson 2.3 Photography Exposure
Lesson 2.3 is all about photography exposure. You will start by identifying examples of underexposed and overexposed images …
Lesson 2.4 Workflow and Image Photo Editing
In Lesson 2.4, you will learn photo editing as you master the post-production process. Start by watching an NYIP Photo …
Lesson 2.5 Evolution of a Photographer
In Lesson 2.5, you learn what qualities it takes to become a great photographer. From building an online presence to …
Unit 2 Project Assignments

Submit one photo demonstrating your ability to use your in-camera light meter. Photograph a person surrounded by a bright background that would cause him or her to be silhouetted.

Submit one photo demonstrating an understanding of subject placement. The photo should utilize the rule of thirds in the placement of the subject and other dominant elements in the frame.

Submit one photo using a specific compositional element or principle to emphasize the subject, such as large size, contrast, color, balance, leading lines, framing, subject placement, selective lighting, or selective focus.