Fun Stuff for Photographers

Picture of the Month The Magic Hour

By: NYIP Staff on January 10 2013.

Every landscape photographer knows that there is an optimal time of day to shoot — generally in the late afternoon or early morning. I'm not a morning person so I…
Cell Phone Photography

By: Chris Corradino on December 25 2012.

Whether you use a smart device like an iPhone, or a more…
Picture of the Month Hot Air Balloons

By: NYIP Staff on December 25 2012.

Photo by NYIP Photography School Student Douglas Russell Color photography, not surprisingly, has always been about the color and…

By: Tom Cavalieri on December 22 2012.

Plan on using your digital camera outdoors for winter photography? Take a few tips from this photographer's summer assignment. August. Not normally a month to be taking digital photos in…
Photographer's Spotlight: Nicholas Nixon

By: NYIP Staff on December 19 2012.

We at NYIP Photography School decided to harness that power to drive Photographer's Spotlight. Editor's Note: One of the great benefits of the Internet is that there is a…
Choosing Subjects for Black and White Photos

By: Bernhard J Suess on November 26 2012.

We're very pleased to turn our Back to Black-and-White feature over to Bernhard J Suess for the next series of articles on creating…
Indecently Long Lenses in the Hands of a Spy

By: Chris Corradino on November 25 2012.

At approximately 11am on Tuesday, I received a call at NYIP Headquarters that went something like this: "Would you like to be interviewed by Inside Edition and possibly use a…
Picture of the Month Glamour

By: NYIP Staff on October 16 2012.

Photo by NYIP digital photography school Student John Gonzalvez If you were to stroll past almost any news stand in…
Picture of the Month Fishing Boat

By: NYIP Staff on October 10 2012.

Photo by NYIP Student Rich Lanning There are hundreds of ways of looking at images, all…
Picture of the Month English Perpendicular

By: NYIP Staff on October 10 2012.

Photo by NYIP digital photography school Graduate Debbie Bellingham This month's Picture…